How To Find Us
Our building is located on Packard Street, right next to the Pathways To Success Academic Campus. Parking is available at the rear of the church.
2580 Packard St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Our Welcome Center is located through the rear portico entrance, at the east of the parking area. Our Worship Center is fully accessible directly from the front entrance portico on Packard Road, along with ramp and stair access through the Welcome Center.
Sunday Schedule
Nursery Room
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Service viewing room available for parents with children two years old and under.
Kids Worship and Sunday School - 9:30 AM
Hispanic Kids Bible Study - 11:00 AM
10:30 AM
Get to know the church members in between services and sunday schools. Light refreshments are provided.
Sunday School
11:00 AM
Join one of our Sunday School classes to learn more about God and His plan for you.

Worship Style
The music of Crossroads is best described as a blend of the great hymns of the faith, along with modern praise and worship music. Our goal as leaders, vocalists and musicians is to honor and engage generations of worshippers with Gospel-centered music and media that is uplifting and inspiring.
What to Wear
We invite you to come dressed in whatever way you are comfortable. Some people wear jeans and a t-shirt, others might dress business casual or a suit. Most people are somewhere in between.
Preaching Style
Our preaching team is passionate about Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting preaching. Whether we're studying a book of the Bible, or through a topical series, our preaching is grounded in the Scriptures. Our hope and prayer is you will engage with God's Word in such a way that you will grow to know and love the Lord more deeply than ever before.