Hope Clinic
Hope Clinic, located in Ypsilanti, provides care for the whole person in Jesus’ name, including medical, dental, food, and behavioral health. Crossroads supports Hope Clinic with supplies and resources to make this possible. Monthly donation drives help the Clinic accumulate needed quantities of things such as hygiene items, canned goods, baby/children items, and much more.

Gideons Bible Blitz
Gideons International is an association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing, personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While Gideons is recognized for its work with hotels, it also places and distributes scriptures in strategic locations available to those who want them, or may not know they need them. Crossroads is pleased to offer Gideons International space for meetings and staging events.